Part 1 - Personal Information Giving
Contesta cada pregunta en 30 segundos grabando cada respuesta en la app abajo.
Block 1
Please tell me about your hobbies.
Please tell me about your work or studies.
Please tell me about your favourite food.
Block 2
What do you like doing in your free time?
What do you like doing at weekend?
Please tell me about your family.
Block 3
What do you like doing on holidays?
What is the weather like today?
What is your typical day like?
Block 4
What is favourite time of the year?
What is your favourite season?
What is your favourite weekend activity?
Block 5
What is the food like in your country?
What is your village / town / city like?
What is your best friend like?
Block 6
What is your family like?
What is your boss like?
What are some characteristics of your personality?
Block 7
What makes you happy?
What are some things that make you angry?
Are you happy with your personality?
Block 8
Tell me about your job.
Tell me about your area.
Tell me about your hobbies.
Block 9
Can you describe yourself?
Can you describe your best friend?
Please tell me about a famous place in your country.
Block 10
Please tell me about a festival in your country.
What kind of activities are popular in your country?
What type of restaurants are popular in your country?
Block 11
Please tell me about the last thing you saw on television.
What type of programmes are popular in your country?
Please describe your journey here today.
Block 12
Please tell me about your favourite film.Please tell me about your job or studies.
Please tell me about your first school.
Block 13
Describe the room you are in.
Please tell me about a famous place in your country.
Please tell me about a festival in your country.
Block 14
Please tell me about your favourite book.
What are you wearing today?
What do you do for a living?
Block 5
Please describe your house.
What type of restaurants are popular in your country?
Have you visited any foreign countries?
Will you go on holiday next summer?
Please tell me about your favourite book.
What’s your favourite music?
What type of weather do you dislike?
Would you like to live in the countryside?
Do you play an instrument? Why/ why not?
What are your plans for the future?